my life's changelog


global panic in crypto world has began. I'm not really afraid because somehow I saved my goods. today my second real project has began. to be honest with you, writing resembles more war than caomfortable sitting in front of my computer. profits from watching over 30 episodes of C# tutorials disappeard, all of those lists arrays classes etc. are little bit strange for me, but we have to greet amazing developers who made stackoverflow site.


beginning of bielsania project. few months ago I made a simple RPG game in c++ called bielsania. it was project for school subject and firstable I had no intention to push this forward as large project, but later my dear friend told me to not drop this idea, and to remake bielsania's story, I decided to learn C# and make game with it, in combination with unity engine. he also wanted to work on this project, and this summer gonna be full of work for us. wish us luck

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